Flood Infrastructure Design
Our flood mitigation design philosophy is to develop infrastructure solutions that contribute to the long-term flood resilience of our communities. Every project must reduce flood risk to life and property while improving the quality of life in our communities. Halff designs large, civil infrastructure projects such as regional detention, tunnels, dams and levees that improve major riverine flooding. We seek opportunities to combine flood infrastructure design with water quality improvements and water supply efforts that provide an integrated approach to all things water.
Flood Infrastructure Design Projects
Flood Infrastructure Design Services
Light at the End of the Tunnel: Drainage Relief for East Dallas
Meet the Team
Sam Hinojosa, PE, CFM
Mark Llewellyn, Sr.
Cindy Engelhardt, PE, CFM
Jack Young, PE, CFM, PMP
Kent Boulicault
Let’s Connect
Ready to work with Halff? Simply fill out the form to be directed to the best person at Halff to discuss your interests.